The Seishinkan Dojo Is located in a richly forested area at the foothills of Mt Kai Komagaoka. The Dojo is designed to strict traditional standards, and to enhance concentration and depth of practice, the floor is made of cedar wood. The Founder and Master Minowa Masaru Sensei trained for 40 years with top masters at the Noma Dojo in a Kendo tradition that had continued from the Meiji Period. Considered by many to be a sacred spot for Kendo, and after 40 years of training, the Noma Dojo was dismantled, at which time Minowa Sensei decided in 1989 to build the Seishinkan Dojo in Yamanashi, where he continues to carry on the BUDO tradition and development of Kendo. Over a period of 10 years he refined and created the “Circle Form of Sword Lines” of Seishinkan School Soul of Kata, an original Kata which provides an entry point to the world of traditional martial arts.


Book of Five Rings
Miyamoto Musashi’s Vision

The most famous historical Japanese sword master in the world is Miyamoto Musashi. In the early Edo Period he engaged in over 60 duels with live blades opposed by top swordsman from around Japan, and emerged as the winner and a survivor of them all, making him considered at the time to be the top sword master in Japan. He was at the same time a Master of the art of Painting and Calligraphy, and wrote perhaps the most famous book on the martial arts of all time, the Book of Five Rings. Although this book was written to convey the inner secrets and philosophy of the martial arts, it contains many hints that are relevant to success and survival in modern life and business. WA no Mori conducts experiential Seminars that teach how to understand and apply Miyamoto Musashi’s Philosophy to modern life.


Born in the USA, William Reed is a professor at the International College of Liberal arts (iCLA) at Yamanashi Gakuin University. He has an 8th-dan in Aikido from the Aikido Yuishinkai. He holds the rank of 10th-dan in Calligraphy from the Zen Nihon Kyoiku Shodo Renmei, it is also a Vice Chairman of that association. In addition, he holds the rank of Tokubetsu Shinan in Nanba Jutsu from the Nanba Jutsu Association. He was the Navigator for the ETHICS (Dougi-hen) documentary on the Aizu Samurai, on the occasion of the 150th year after the Boshin War, documentary that was aired in Japan and on the History Channel, and also produced the calligraphy used in that documentary series. In 2009 he became the first Certified World Class Speaking Coach. Through teaching and various media he shares insights on the best parts of Japanese culture in English and Japanese, both in and outside of Japan. He the author of best selling books on Amazon, including a book on World Class Speaking published by KADOKAWA Books.





Born in Tokyo, Minowa Sensei In 1967 Minowa Sensei entered the renowned Noma Dojo at Kodansha Corporation, where he received instruction from Mochizuki Masafusa Hanshi, Sato Ukichi (9th-dan), Ogawa Chutaro (9th-dan), Morishima Tateo Hanshi and other Kendo Masters. In 1989 he established the Seishinkan Dojo, with residential facilities, in the foothills of the Southern Alps, in Shirakawa-cho of Yamanashi Prefecture. He served as an Advisor on Sword Techniques for the three films in the famous Samurai Trilogy by Director Yamada Yoji, The Twilight Samurai, The Hidden Blade, Love and Honor. In 2015 he received a request from Dmitry Gavrilov of the Kimera Fund, to publish a trilingual book in Japanese, Russian, and English, called “A Circle Form of Sword Lines” of Seishinkan School Soul of Kata. The spirit of the Noma Dojo lives on in the teachings of the Seishinkan Dojo.




Born in 1952 in Kochi Prefecture. Founding Director of the Nanba Jutsu Kyokai. Guest appearances on Omoikiri Television. Originator of the Nanba Method now employed by numerous top athletes. Professor of Physical Education at Toho Gakuen University Conservatory of Music. Certified Coach of Track and Field Sports, Basketball Coach for Toho Gakuen High School. Mental Training, Mind-Body Control, Physical Conditioning, Health Management Coaching for Musicians and Athletes. Bestselling books on Nanba Running (Nanba Bashiri, Kobunsha), Amazing Nanba Walking (Sugoi! Nanba Aruki, Kawade Shobo), Change Your Piano Performance (Ongaku ga Kawaru! Ensou ga Raku ni Naru! Piano Hone Taiso, Ongaku no Tomo Sha), Change Your Violin Performance (Ongaku ga Kawaru! Violin Hone Taiso, Ongaku no Tomo Sha), as well as numerous other publications and television appearances.




Born in the USA, William Reed is a professor at the International College of Liberal arts (iCLA) at Yamanashi Gakuin University. He has an 8th-dan in Aikido from the Aikido Yuishinkai. He holds the rank of 10th-dan in Calligraphy from the Zen Nihon Kyoiku Shodo Renmei, it is also a Vice Chairman of that association. In addition, he holds the rank of Tokubetsu Shinan in Nanba Jutsu from the Nanba Jutsu Association. He was the Navigator for the ETHICS (Dougi-hen) documentary on the Aizu Samurai, on the occasion of the 150th year after the Boshin War, documentary that was aired in Japan and on the History Channel, and also produced the calligraphy used in that documentary series. In 2009 he became the first Certified World Class Speaking Coach. Through teaching and various media he shares insights on the best parts of Japanese culture in English and Japanese, both in and outside of Japan. He the author of best selling books on Amazon, including a book on World Class Speaking published by KADOKAWA Books.
